Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This has got to be a good life...

            I've always had this insatiable urge to write down my thoughts, you know? My style has always been 'train of thought', which is undesirable to a lot of people. People enjoy structure; I don't write that way. Granted, I can if I have to do so, but I don't like it. Besides, this isn't yours. This is mine.
           I doubt anyone will be reading this, but for my own sake, I'm going to be writing about a lot of things: things that pop into my head when I sit down and lay my fingers on these poor, worn little keys. It'll be things like Cameron, school, work, and most importantly (and God, if you're reading this, hold me to it) my struggle to maintain and decrease my weight. This has been an on and off diet for about 3yrs now. Pretty gay.
           My weight was about 150lbs before I decided during my senior year to lose weight. I kicked ass and got down to about 129 on a good day. Then I started dating James and it increased to about 149. I kicked ass and got back down to about 123. Loved it, I was thrilled. I worked out daily, it was habit. Beautiful. Then things went to shit and I couldn't afford my gym membership and I just got lazy. I also moved to Virginia and my life got hazy for a bit. Still is, really. Dreamlike. Anyway, I assume I'm about 143 pounds now and I just want back in my 120's. There's a slight story behind that and I'm sure I'll get into it at a later date. It's juicy. Honestly, I shouldn't have gotten into the weight war, but I did and what's done is done.
           I hope someone reads this and I hope it's someone like me, because otherwise you just won't get it.

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